Results for 'Geralyn Mcclure Franklin Delaney J. Kirk'

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  1.  35
    Violence in the Workplace: Guidance and Training Advice for Business Owners and Managers.Delaney J. Kirk & Geralyn McClure Franklin - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (4):523-537.
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    Walking a Tightrope: Employment Rights of Foreign Nationals in the Workplace.Robert K. Robinson & Geralyn McClure Franklin - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (4):489-500.
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    A missiology of progress: Assessing advancement in the Bible translation movement.Kirk J. Franklin - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):9.
    Statistical analysis has been a common method for determining progress in missional activity. In the case of Bible translation, measurable statistics have been readily available showing progress. However, there have been gaps such as biblical, sociological, theological and missiological factors. The aim of this study is to consider broader factors than just quantifiable measurements that could be used to develop a missiological foundation for missional progress, especially for Bible translation. The setting was to analyse inputs from leaders within the Bible (...)
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    How can the Reformation’s focus on faithfulness to Scripture inspire us for mission?Kirk J. Franklin - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-9.
    Since the 16th century Protestant Reformation, the issue of divine inspiration and authority of the Bible has stood at the centre of Reformed faith. The question asked then, which is still with us, is whether the Bible is sufficient and complete as a revelation from God? Conflicts that arose during the Reformation still brew today, albeit with different players and contexts. Furthermore, how does the faithfulness to Scripture by reformers, such as William Tyndale and Martin Luther, and pre-Reformer, John Wycliffe, (...)
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    Searching for shalom: Transformation in the mission of God and the Bible translation movement.Kirk J. Franklin - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-10.
    The background of this study was to explore the Old Testament vision of shalom and determine how it was relevant to its holistic mission, Bible translation, transformational development and the world’s challenges and trends. The aim of this research was to create a framework to serve practitioners and theorists associated with the Bible translation movement and its intersection with transformational development. The setting for the study was the consideration of factors affecting Bible translation and transformational development in the context of (...)
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    Vision 2025 and the Bible translation movement.Kirk J. Franklin & Cornelius J. P. Niemandt - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    Book Review: Advanced Missiology: How to Study Missions in Credible and Useful Ways by Kenneth Nehrbass. [REVIEW]Kirk J. Franklin - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (2):122-125.
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    Book Review: New Contributions to Missional Hermeneutics. [REVIEW]Kirk J. Franklin - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (3):218-221.
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    Possible people, complaints, and the distinction between genetic planning and genetic engineering.J. J. Delaney - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):410-414.
    Advances in the understanding of genetics have led to the belief that it may become possible to use genetic engineering to manipulate the DNA of humans at the embryonic stage to produce certain desirable traits. Although this currently cannot be done on a large scale, many people nevertheless object in principle to such practices. Most often, they argue that genetic enhancements would harm the children who were engineered, cause societal harms, or that the risks of perfecting the procedures are too (...)
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  10. Should I stay or should I go? How the human brain manages the trade-off between exploitation and exploration.Jonathan D. Cohen, Samuel M. McClure & Yu & J. Angela - 2008 - In Jon Driver, Patrick Haggard & Tim Shallice, Mental Processes in the Human Brain. Oxford University Press.
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    A short history of the international congresses of physiologists.K. J. Franklin - 1938 - Annals of Science 3 (3):241-335.
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    An autograph letter by Gilbert White.K. J. Franklin - 1947 - Annals of Science 5 (4):370-372.
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  13. Assembling subjects : world building and cosmopolitics in late medieval Armenia.Kathryn J. Franklin - 2016 - In Emily Miller Bonney, Kathryn J. Franklin & James A. Johnson, Incomplete archaeologies: knowledge in the past and present. Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
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  14. Assembling subjects : world building and cosmopolitics in late medieval Armenia.Kathryn J. Franklin - 2016 - In Emily Miller Bonney, Kathryn J. Franklin & James A. Johnson, Incomplete archaeologies: knowledge in the past and present. Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
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    Jean Méry (1645–1722) and his ideas on the foetal blood flow.K. J. Franklin - 1945 - Annals of Science 5 (3):203-228.
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    An introduction to the earlier history of phlebitis.K. J. Franklin - 1939 - Annals of Science 4 (1):47-60.
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    A short sketch of the history of the Oxford medical school.K. J. Franklin - 1936 - Annals of Science 1 (4):431-446.
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    Some textual changes in successive editions of Richard Lower'sTractatus de corde item de motu & colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transitu.K. J. Franklin - 1939 - Annals of Science 4 (3):283-294.
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    Edmund Burke: The Enlightenment and Revolution.Peter J. Stanlis & Russell Kirk - 1991 - Routledge.
    Two centuries after Edmund Burke published his Reflections on the Revolution in France, his name and reputation stand alongside Locke, Montesquieu, and Hume - the other still-cited grand political thinkers of the eighteenth century. For those great nations that have fallen into what Burke called "the antagonist world of madness, discord, vice, confusion and unavailing sorrow," the work of Burke supplies that sense of order, justice and freedom the present age seems to require. This volume by Peter Stanlis has grown (...)
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    Bilateral disadvantage: Lack of interhemispheric cooperation in schizophrenia.Kylie J. Barnett, Ian J. Kirk & Michael C. Corballis - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):436-444.
    Language anomalies and left-hemisphere dysfunction are commonly reported in schizophrenia. Additional evidence also suggests differences in the integration of information between the hemispheres. Bilateral gain is the increase in accuracy and decrease in latency that occurs when identical information is presented simultaneously to both hemispheres. This study measured bilateral gain in controls and individuals with schizophrenia using a lexical-decision task where word or non-word judgements were made to letter strings presented in the left visual field , right visual field or (...)
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  21.  13
    Leading in Global-Glocal Missional Contexts: Learning from the Journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.Kirk Franklin - 2017 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 34 (4):282-300.
    The journey of the Wycliffe Global Alliance is an example of how some paradigm shifts are influencing leading in mission. Since Christianity is both an agent and product of globalization, its beliefs have spread from one source to another, crossing religious, linguistic and cultural contexts. As a result, there are polycentric or multiple centres of influence since Christianity has homes within a diversity of contexts. This carries with it various implications including how partnering in mission needs to be deconceptualized through (...)
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  22.  24
    Incomplete archaeologies: knowledge in the past and present.Emily Miller Bonney, Kathryn J. Franklin & James A. Johnson (eds.) - 2016 - Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
    Incomplete Archaeologies takes a familiar archaeological concept--assemblages--and reconsiders such groupings, collections and sets of things from the perspective of the work required to assemble them. The discussions presented here engage with the practices of collection, construction, performance and creation in the past (and present) which constitute the things and groups of things studied by archaeologists--and examine as well how these things and thing-groups are dismantled, rearranged, and even destroyed, only to be rebuilt and recreated. The ultimate aim is to reassert (...)
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  23.  31
    Polycentrism in the missio Dei.Kirk Franklin & Nelus Niemandt - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):9.
    Structures for mission have been under review as a result of many factors. In particular have been the widening influences of globalisation, and to a lesser degree, glocalisation. Various models of leadership praxis and structures have been proposed along the way. As Christianity moved farther away from the Christendom model of centralised control to other models of structure and leadership, other paradigms have been proposed along the way. However, one possibility, called the concept of polycentrism, has not been considered with (...)
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  24.  14
    A Case Study: A Journey of Leading in Polycentric Theory and Practice in Mission.Kirk Franklin - 2021 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 38 (3):254-275.
    Leadership and governance structures for any organisations involved in God’s mission need to come under review because of the growing influences of the inter-connected globalised world. As Christianity moved farther away from the Christendom model of centralised control to other models of leadership and governance, other paradigms have been proposed along the way. One is called polycentric leadership and governance and is based upon principles of polycentrism. Using a case study approach assists in giving contexts for assisting the understanding of (...)
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  25.  29
    The patient and clinician experience of informed consent for surgery: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence.L. J. Convie, E. Carson, D. McCusker, R. S. McCain, N. McKinley, W. J. Campbell, S. J. Kirk & M. Clarke - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-17.
    Background Informed consent is an integral component of good medical practice. Many researchers have investigated measures to improve the quality of informed consent, but it is not clear which techniques work best and why. To address this problem, we propose developing a core outcome set to evaluate interventions designed to improve the consent process for surgery in adult patients with capacity. Part of this process involves reviewing existing research that has reported what is important to patients and doctors in the (...)
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    The Synoptic Vision: Essays on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars.Cornelius Delaney, Michael J. Loux, Gary Gutting & W. David Solomon (eds.) - 1977 - University of Notre Dame Press.
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    The Nonidentity Problem and Bioethics: A Natural Law Perspective.James J. Delaney - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (2):122-142.
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    On second thoughts: Testing the underlying mechanisms of spontaneous future thought.J. Helgi Clayton McClure, Charlotte Elwell, Theo Jones, Jelena Mirković & Scott N. Cole - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105863.
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  29. The course of events: counterfactuals, causal sequences and explanation.J. Hilton Denis, L. McClure John & R. Slugoski Ben - 2005 - In David R. Mandel, Denis J. Hilton & Patrizia Catellani, The psychology of counterfactual thinking. New York: Routledge.
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    Jbs jbs jbs.Heather H. Mcclure, Charles R. Martinez Jr, J. Josh Snodgrass, J. Mark, Roberto A. Jiménez Eddy, Laura E. Isiordia, Thomas W. Mcdade, Hans Vermeersch, Guy T.‘Sjoen & Jm Kaufman - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (4).
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    Mandatory autopsies and organ conscription.David B. Hershenov James J. Delaney - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (4):pp. 367-391.
    Laws requiring autopsies have generated little controversy. Yet it is considered unconscionable to take organs without consent for transplantation. We think an organ draft is justified if mandatory autopsies are. We reject the following five attempts to show why a mandatory autopsy policy is legitimate, but organ conscription is not: (1) The social contract gives the state a greater duty to protect its citizens from each other than from disease. (2) There is a greater moral obligation to prevent murders than (...)
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  32.  58
    Embryo Loss in Natural Procreation and Stem Cell Research.James J. Delaney - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (3):461-476.
    John Harris argues that opponents of human embryonic stem cell research, Catholics specifically, suffer an inconsistency in their moral thinking, opposing it on the basis that the sacrifice of an embryo is impermissible even for the good of curing disease. They have no objection to natural procreation, however, which results in many early miscarriages. Harris contends that Catholics tacitly endorse these miscarriages as a permissible sacrifice for the good of producing other, healthy children. This paper offers a response to the (...)
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  33.  76
    Tolerance and Tact.James J. Delaney - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 22 (4):27-31.
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    The role of physician opinion in human enhancement.James J. Delaney & David P. Martin - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):19 - 20.
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    Catholicism, the Role of the State, and the Duty to Vacciniate.James J. Delaney - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):56-57.
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    The Catholic Position on Germ Line Genetic Engineering.James J. Delaney - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):33-34.
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    Therapy, Enhancement, and Medicine: Challenges for the Doctor–Patient Relationship and Patient Safety.James J. Delaney & David Martin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):831-844.
    There are ethical guidelines that form the foundation of the traditional doctor–patient relationship in medicine. Health care providers are under special obligations to their patients. These include obligations to disclose information, to propose alternative treatments that allow patients to make decisions based on their own values, and to have special concern for patients’ best interests. Furthermore, patients know that these obligations exist and so come to their physicians with a significant level of trust. In this sense, therapeutic medicine significantly differs (...)
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    Wrongful Life and the Human Embryo.James J. Delaney - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (4):655-662.
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    Taking Pleasure in the Good and Well-Being: the Harmless Pleasures Objection.James J. Delaney - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (2):281-294.
    Well-being is that which is non-instrumentally good for a person. It is identical to how well someone's life goes. There are three main theories of well-being: hedonism, desire-fulfillment, and objective list theories. Each of these theories is subject to criticism, which has led some philosophers to posit a hybrid theory in which well-being is defined as taking pleasure in objective goods. One problem that comes with such an account is the possibility of what I will call harmless pleasures; that is, (...)
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    The Doctor–Patient Relationship: Does Christianity Make a Difference?James J. Delaney - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (1):1-13.
    The nature of the doctor–patient relationship is central to the practice of medicine and thus to bioethics. The American Medical Association (in AMA principles of medical ethics, available at:, 2016) states, “The practice of medicine, and its embodiment in the clinical encounter between a patient and a physician, is fundamentally a moral activity that arises from the imperative to care for patients and to alleviate suffering.” In this issue of Christian Bioethics, leading scholars consider what relevance (if any) Christianity (...)
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    A Rethinking of Contemporary Religious Tolerance.James J. Delaney & Jeffrey Dueck - 2003 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 77:73-82.
    In relating philosophy to intercultural understanding, one of the key problems that arises is that of the relationship between tolerance and religious belief.This paper challenges the common understanding of tolerance in contemporary debates over religious diversity. It argues that tolerance is overused and over-applied in these debates, and has wrongfully come to refer to tactlessness, harshness of condemnation, and even exclusivity of belief. In seeking to clarify the concept and ensure its appropriate usage, it proposes that religious tolerance should only (...)
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    Beyond Neuroscience: Non-Experimental Arguments Against Commonly Held Ethical Beliefs.James J. Delaney - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 1 (4):51-52.
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    Catholicism, the Human Form, and Genetic Engineering.James J. Delaney - 2010 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 84:75-87.
    In September of 2008, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published Dignitas Personae, which addresses several newly emerging topics in thearea of biomedical ethics. One of these topics is genetic engineering, which we can define as the intentional manipulation of genetic material so as to produce some desired trait or characteristic. Genetic engineering is discussed in Dignitas Personae, but is done so relatively briefly. In this paper, I explore some of the metaphysical and ethical questions that are key (...)
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  44.  75
    Revisiting the Non-Identity Problem and the Virtues of Parenthood.James J. Delaney - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (4):24-26.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 4, Page 24-26, April 2012.
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    Sellar's Gram Argument.G. J. Delaney - 1972 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 50:14.
  46. The Presocratic Philosophers.G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven & M. Schofield - 1983 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):465-469.
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  47. Zombies v. Materialists.Robert Kirk & J. E. R. Squires - 1974 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 48 (1):135-164.
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    The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts.G. S. Kirk & J. E. Raven - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. E. Raven & Malcolm Schofield.
    This book traces the intellectual revolution initiated by Thales in the sixth century BC to its culmination in the metaphysics of Parmenides.
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  49. (1 other version)Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks: A Better Model of Biological Object Recognition.Courtney J. Spoerer, Patrick McClure & Nikolaus Kriegeskorte - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50. Counterfactuals, conditionals and causality: A social psychological perspective.D. J. Hilton, J. McClure & B. Slugoski - 2005 - In David R. Mandel, Denis J. Hilton & Patrizia Catellani, The psychology of counterfactual thinking. New York: Routledge. pp. 44--60.
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